{"id":472,"date":"2022-04-18T17:21:15","date_gmt":"2022-04-18T17:21:15","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/nanabread.store\/?p=472"},"modified":"2024-08-08T08:16:35","modified_gmt":"2024-08-08T08:16:35","slug":"christ-the-lord-is-risen-today-alleluia-charles-wesley","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nanabread.net\/christ-the-lord-is-risen-today-alleluia-charles-wesley\/","title":{"rendered":"Christ The Lord is Risen Today, Alleluia-Charles Wesley"},"content":{"rendered":"

Yesterday was Easter Sunday and as traditional in our church, the service began with the pastor and choir proceeding down the center aisle, being lead by the crucifer carrying the cross and singing one of the great hymns of Easter! This hymn always brings chills and tears at the same time because of it’s power, might and message: Christ is risen indeed! The message of the hymn is that on the third day the disciples of Christ found an empty tomb, he had defeated death the ultimate foe all of us will face. The power of this act was that only God could and ever has risen from the dead. The might of the hymn is that as believers in Christ we too can defeat death! If that message doesn’t bring tears, maybe one of the gospel descriptions of the event will; Matthew 28: 1-10<\/a>, Mark 16: 1-8,<\/a> Luke 24:1-10 <\/a>and John 20:1-8! <\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

A good way to share the resurrection with young people is by using what are known as Resurrection Eggs. These can be purchased online or purchased in <\/a>a Christian store, but each of the twelve plastic eggs has a symbol to generate conversation about the resurrection; a crown of thorns, a stone, a linen cloth, a cross etc. However, the most powerful of all the symbols is the one egg that is empty; Christ has risen indeed! Also, how about an empty egg in the Easter Basket next Easter! <\/p>\n\n\n\n

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