There is Something about the Name of Jesus
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As is often the case, my morning devotional this morning was about the name of “Jesus” and it brought back memories of my Mama playing “something about the name of Jesus” on the piano when I was a child. Unfortunately, it also brought to mind, how often today we hear the name of Jesus used as profanity and what a sad reality this is. Have you ever wondered why the second commandment says “thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain” or if the name of the Lord is really that important? The answers to these questions, as always are found in scripture :
- Philippians 2:9-10 where we are told that Jesus is the name above names and that in the name of “Jesus “…EVERY KNEE WILL BOW
- Luke 10:17 where the disciples rejoiced that “…EVEN DEMONS ARE SUBJECT TO US IN THE NAME OF JESUS”
- Acts 4:12, John 14:6 and Romans 10:13 all remind us that SALVATION IS FOUND IN THE NAME OF JESUS
So, let us never forget there truly is something about the name of Jesus and use it reverently and appropriately remembering his love for us!