“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10

In today’s culture young people are quite frequently lead to put more emphasis on their body than their heart and spirit. However in scripture we are reminded frequently that what is “inside” is more important! Theses reminders do not in anyway diminish the importance of keeping ourselves fit and healthy as the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20) they just establish the priority of our efforts! They also provide a great opportunity to discuss with our young that we are more than just our physical bodies but are “body, mind and spirit”.
We also need to share with our young that the development of a “right spirit” is something we need to seek and ask for, it is not something God forces upon us. Though I believe God certainly does give us more than we ever deserve, when we seek and ask for a “right spirit” and a “clean heart” with thanksgiving, prayer and Bible study the Holy Spirit will honor our request! Also, remind them that even as young people they will be sensitive and recognize individuals with clean heart and right spirits. Encourage them to be observant and look for that clean heart and right spirit in the people they meet!