“Find freedom by accepting the boundaries of your domain.” Sarah Young

One of the biggest lies we so frequently tell children and young people is that they. “…can do anything they set their minds to.” As adults and because of our many life experiences we learn that there are things in life that are beyond our control and yet many of us continue to perpetuate this falsehood! However as Christians the reality of this falsehood becomes more and more apparent the longer and closer our walk with Christ. We are not in charge, we cannot always determine our circumstances and there are many things in life that we cannot control. Until we recognize, understand and appreciate this reality, we will face many frustrating and disappointing times and outcomes in our lives. Furthermore and so important for sharing with young people is that this reality actually frees us from much of the guilt associated with failure! It also brings home the truth of the taking the “yoke” of Christ (Matthew 11: 28-30) and additionally it highlights the true meaning of the very popular poem “Footprints”.