“In the beginning God…” Genesis 1: 1

In the beginning God was. He existed before time began. God the Father is responsible for creating everything that exists and everything that ever has or ever will exist. So He (God) as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of everything is where we must start as we share our faith and especially with the young! You may say they are too young to comprehend but obviously not, as Christ tells in multiple verses that he cares about children and so must we! Ten Bible verses that confirm God’s love for children are Luke 18:16 , Mark 9:37, Luke 18:17, Matthew 18:10, Matthew 18:6, Matthew 18:14, Psalm 127:3, Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1 and Proverbs 22.6.
So if God is the beginning and we know he loves children, a great place to start with children is to tell then the creation story and read them the scripture repeatedly! There are many opportunities in daily life to illustrate the exitance of God and we must start very early reminding them that “In the beginning God”!