“When all else fails, read the directions” Unknown Author

How often do we struggle to figure out how a new piece of equipment or toy works or how to put a new piece of furniture together? All of us at sometime or another have experienced the frustration that comes with this type of activity! However in our busy world today, taking time to read directions often seems futile but in the end we often have to come back and read them later.
Many people experience this same kind of frustration when they face problems in life. However, their problems are not new, not something others have not faced before them and certainly not new to God! Encourage young people to go to the word or search for the relative scripture with them, because the Bible is the only book that has answers to all the deepest needs of men, women and children. Explain to them that many Bibles have a concordance or a list of frequently asked questions that tells them where in the Bible to find answers. Also, in addition to finding answers as we turn to the Bible to seek help and/or advise we receive a bonus; a peace that is often times beyond our understanding. If you don’t have a Bible with a concordance they are certainly not difficult to find and are well worth the investment. Proverbs 1:7 reminds us where all knowledge begins!